Sunday, September 28, 2014

I see a need, lets see if I can fill it!

You are all familiar with all those couponing sites, right?  Does anyone else have enough body wash and deodorant to last their family a life time? I know I do!

I wish there was a site that could help me find good deals on everyday food, not junk food, that I use. 

For instance: The other day I hit WinCo and Cash and Carry here in Nampa.  Among other things I bought 50 lbs of potatoes for around $6 and butter for (1 lb) for around $2.86 (or.68, I can't find my receipt).  I only bought 4 lbs of butter because I knew we would be at Costco a few days later and they were sure to have butter at a better price, right? 

Nope.  My husband pulled out his calculator - He's my shopping buddy - and said that at either price on the butter (the .86 or the .68) they beat costco's butter price.

Wow. I sure wish I had known that when I was at WinCo.  I would have purchased more.

This blog is going to be focused for the most part in Nampa. It won't involve any coupons. I've done that and unless its an internet printable, I don't have a subscription to the paper anymore.

I want to to focus on real food deals around the Nampa area. If you know of a deal or see a deal let me know in the comments.  lets help each other find deals and give pointers and work together to feed our families.

So first tip.  This is probably well known, but I'll share it anyway.

The best time to buy baking goods is during the holidays.  Last year I stocked up on butter when it was on sale at Albertsons for under $2 / lb.  I also bought Swansons chicken broth at Wal-Mart for .50/can.

I'm looking forward to the holidays to stock up on baking items.